Smokeybrown Cockroaches

Periplaneta Fuliginosa

Smokybrown cockroaches are the least common among the Periplaneta species to infest South Florida homes.

Smokybrown cockroaches are slightly smaller in size than American cockroaches and range in size between 1 and 1 ½ inch. These roaches have no pattern on the thorax and have a uniform mahogany brown coloration, so they are easily identified from other Periplaneta species. Both sexes have wings that extend beyond the abdomen and are good fliers.


Smokybrown nymphs have special markings that aid in recognition from other infesting species. Nymphs are shiny black with white-banded antennae and white segments on the abdomen. Nymphs go through 10 molts in 6 months before becoming adults. Under ideal conditions Smokybrown cockroaches live between 200 and 300 days.

Females usually glue the egg case to a surface and cover them with debris to hide it. Each ootheca contains 24 eggs and a single female produces about 17 capsules (once per week).

Just like other peridomestic species, Smokybrown cockroaches can live outdoors and indoors. The life cycle and feeding habits are similar to the American cockroach. However, they are less resilient to cold weather. For this reason, they are generally not found in the northern United States. The cuticle of Smokybrown roaches is more permeable than other species so they lose moisture faster. Access to moist, dark, and warm habitats is crucial for the survival of this species.

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